Custom Controllers

While CakeAdmin has some default controllers and PostTypes in it, we want to give you your freedom to extend CakeAdmin with your own functionality. This can be done by creating your own custom controllers. To add custom controllers you must apply the following rules:

  • Controller must contain the prefix Admin (path would become /src/Controller/Admin).
  • Controller must depend on CakeAdmin's Bakkerij/CakeAdmin/Controller/AppController class.

Note to developers: Probably a bake command could be implemented to create this like cake bake cakeadmin_controller CustomController


namespace App\Controller\Admin;

class CustomController extends \Bakkerij\CakeAdmin\Controller\AppController

    public function index()


Adding your custom controller to CakeAdmin can be done using the addController method. You can use multiple formats to parse the route:

Default example

$this->addController('Custom Item', 'Admin/Custom::index');

With plugin

$this->addController('Custom Item', 'MyPlugin.Admin/Custom::index');

Without prefix (Admin)

$this->addController('Custom Item', 'Custom::index');

Without action (default index)

$this->addController('Custom Item', 'Admin/Custom');

As array

$this->addController('Custom Item', [
    'plugin' => false,
    'prefix' => 'admin',
    'controller' => 'Custom',
    'action' => 'index'