

You need PHP >= 5.5.9 to use CakeAdmin, and CakePHP 3.2 or higher.


CakeAdmin is available on Packagist and can be installed using Composer:

$ composer require bakkerij/cakeadmin

Note: while this plugin is under development, just clone the repository into plugins/Bakkerij/CakeAdmin

Loading the plugin

Run the following command:

$ bin/cake plugin load -b -r Bakkerij/CakeAdmin

Or add the following to your /config/bootstrap.php:

Plugin::load('Bakkerij/CakeAdmin', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);

Initializing CakeAdmin

To make hooks to CakeAdmin easier, CakeAdmin makes use of an App/CakeAdmin class. This class can be generated running the command:

$ bin/cake cakeadmin init

Creating an user

To create your first administrator you can run the command:

$ bin/cake cakeadmin admin

This command will ask for your e-mail and name, and will set the default password cakeadmin (you can change this later on).