Quick Start

After the installation, you are ready to login to your admin panel via localhost/admin.

We will walk through the setup of CakeAdmin

CakeAdmin Class

The App\CakeAdmin class is located in your own src folder and makes it easier to hook into CakeAdmin.

According to the installation section; you can generate this class using the command:

$ bin/cake cakeadmin init

Read more about the CakeAdmin class here.


PostTypes make managing data very easy. Creating a PostType will give you the basic crud actions to manage your models. For example:

Create the table bookmarks using the following query:

CREATE TABLE bookmarks (
    title VARCHAR(50),
    description TEXT,
    url TEXT,
    created DATETIME,
    modified DATETIME

Now create your model via the command:

$ bin/cake bake model Bookmarks

Now CakeAdmin will join the process using the command:

$ bin/cake bake post_type Bookmarks

You can see a new file is created in src/PostType/BookmarksPostType.php. This is the PostType Bookmarks.

Now refresh your CakeAdmin dashboard and you will see a new menu item called Bookmarks. Click on it and you are able to see all bookmarks, create a new one, modify existing bookmarks, and delete them.

Is this it? No! The PostType class we just created is able to manage your custom configurations.

Read more about PostTypes here.

Custom Controllers

While CakeAdmin has some default controllers and PostTypes in it, we want to give you your freedom to extend CakeAdmin with your own functionality. This can be done by creating your own custom controllers. To add custom controllers you must apply the following rules:

  • Controller must contain the prefix Admin (path would become /src/Controller/Admin).
  • Controller must depend on CakeAdmin's Bakkerij/CakeAdmin/Controller/AppController class.

Note to developers: Probably a bake command could be implemented to create this like cake bake cakeadmin_controller CustomController

Read more about controllers here.